Yangtze River

A river that never stop flowing.
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Friday, February 25, 2005

Feeds Search Engine

There is a new kind of search engine which can make index based on feeds publish by sites. It's good to know that feedster already indexed my other blog. I submitted my 3 blogger feeds. It said it would probaly index them within 1 to 3 hours. Cool! This still cannot replace Google yet because usually the feeds only contains most recent entries. I think Google is going to enter this market soon becasue of the rapid increasing of bloggers. Another search site worth check is www.faganfinder.com. It is a collection of search engines.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Search My Blog

I added Google sitesearch for my blog. However, it couldn't find anything. It seems google hasn't indexed my site familyposts.blogspot.com. May be it hasn't found my site. There's no links to my site on the internet yet. Here're some tips.
I submitted all my blogs to Google. Who knows when they will add my blogs. I submitted javatutorials to blogwise.com and ODP. I also used links in my signature on javazoom.net. I think Google will find my blog sooner or later. No need to worry about that. Concentrate on the content. javatutorials needs more content. Providing high-quality content is the most important factor for a successful website.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


After staying in the big aquarium for the past few days, Pearl is gone. In the first few days, I thought she was okay because she start to eat. However, in the last couple of days. She started losing her tail. I don't know why. Is it because of the Ick? Or is Midnight bitting her tail? She could no longer swim without the tail.

Friday, February 18, 2005

More on Salt Treatment

Fish cells are saltier on the inside than the fresh water outside. When there is unequal concentrations of salts, the area with higher salts will lose salt to the area with lower salts. At the same time, water will move from the area of lower salts into the area of higher salts to dilute the salts. This is called osmosis. It is the reason that blood on clothes is removed by soaking in plain water ... it lyses the blood cells and dilutes the iron out of the cloth.
All animals that live in fresh water have to expend energy to hang onto their salts AND to keep the fresh water out. Most of the fresh water fish can no longer deal with "salt water" conditions (altho ocean going salmon can go back and forth from salt to fresh water).
But adding some salt to the tank water lowers this energy expenditure. Salt also does one other thing, it stimulates the production of slime. Fish dont have much in the way of antibody, but they do have a secretory kind that is added to the slime coat where it reacts with parasites. But having a continuous production of slime, parasites have a harder time getting to the skin of the fish and shedding of the slime coat sheds many of the parasites as well. Normally, healthy fish are resistant to even pathogenic strains of bacteria. However, fish suffering mechanical damage from handling or spawning that removes the slime coat and/or opens a wound, those that have a primary infestation with a parasite that opens the slime coat and punctures the skin of the fish and when water quality/oxygen levels/temperature are so poor that the immune system of the fish is dysfunctional or there are infected fish shedding large numbers of bacteria in the pond can result in bacterial infection.

What salt dips do:
1. Helps fish that have been shipped recover their electrolytes
2. Strip off the slime coat and chemically knock off a lot of parasites.. it seems to be more of a shock to parasites than the fish
3. A fish that has been dipped is more susceptible to medications once the slime coat protectant is gone AND the remaining parasites are exposed to medications.

What low concentrations of salt does:
1. Provide needed minerals (if solar salt is used)
2. Stimulates slime coat production. Fish have antibodies and other anti microbial agents which are excreted into the slime coat where they bind to parasites.
3. Appears to protect fish against nitrite poisoning

Percent (%) is a measure of the number of grams of a chemical per 100 ml of water. So 0.3% salt solution means there is 0.3 grams of salt per 100 ml of water.
THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IS READ ON A SALT METER - please read the instruction manual that comes with the meter to translate what the METER says with what the concentration is in percent (%)

A solution of one teaspoon per gallon is 0.132% salt. So 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons is around 0.1%
A LOW concentration is up to 0.1%. This concentration will not hurt most plants and is what is typically used in ponds and tanks. Addition to fresh water is done over 3 days.

A MEDIUM concentration is up to 0.5% . Addition from 0.1% up to 0.5% should be done over a couple of days.

HIGH concentrations are up to 0.9% which is isotonic or the concentration within the fish. This concentration is used for medical reasons for very short baths. THIS CONCENTRATION CAN BE DEADLY TO FISH.

mild nitrite protection = 0.1% (3/4 teaspoon per US gallon)
preventive and nitrite protection = 0.3 % (2 1/2 teaspoons/gallon)

What kind of salt
Noga recommends "solar" salt WITHOUT ANTI-CAKING additives. The additive is sodium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of soda) which makes hydrogen cyanide when exposed to fish. On the topic of salt, p. 295 talks about salt dips for treatment of ecoparasites, columnaris and bacterial gill disease, and how salt dips remove the excess mucus making medications more effective against pathogens. Solar salt can be bought in food stores, in crystal form, no additives for water softening in big bags for cheap. Rock salt dissolves slowly. This means it will not flash burn the gills or skin like adding finely crushed table salt will. Almost all GF books specifically say no iodine.

Dips are brief exposures of a fish to a medication followed by the fish being put into fresh water.
flashing or flicking
coming out of the summer pond and into an aquarium
the fish just arrived in a box or just brought home from the store
the fish isn't looking "well" or hasn't responded to topical treatments for
"fin rot or dots"
under a microscope, parasites are seen in substantial numbers
the fish has a resistant case of fin rot

The fish are very small or fry ****** see caution
The fish have never been in "salted water" (like Israeli koi or shubunkins)
The fish is very toxed out from ammonia or other toxins (gills are dark red
or bloody looking)

1/2 cup salt with no additives per gallon of tank water (no temp shock)

0. mix the salt into the water.
1. put the fish into the salt water and start timing the dip. A salt dip of 30 seconds for small or stressed fish is sufficient. Fish can be dipped up to 5 minute if they continue to swim without sign of distress.
2. the fish will come up to the top, generally on its side, poke the fish and the fish will dive and swim
3. if the fish doesn't dive or doesn't dive quickly, take the fish out and put them into fresh water. It is not a good idea to put the fish back into the tank they came from until that tank is cleaned out or treated first for parasites.
4. take even a still active fish out after 5 minutes, leaving them in the salt dip longer will kill them.
5. for SMALL FISH, when they come up to the top and start rolling even slightly, they must be removed immediately no matter what the time limit. This means their gills can't handle it. Even if it has only been a few seconds.

1. the fish may dive to the bottom of the tank and sit there, this is usual
2. after the dip, the fish will "purge" both feces and ammonia from the gills, so the water must be tested and the water changed

High-Temperature and Salt Treatment

We started treat Pearl and Midnight with this traditional method that recommended by some experts. The reason why we use this method is that we don't want to pollute the aquarium with too much chemical. IckGuard leaves stains which I don't like. So far, they looked okay. Pearl is a little weak. She's not so active. Midnight is very active and seems to be stronger. I have to keep the high-temperature and salt for 10 days to eliminate Ick completely. I'll see if this approach works for me.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Ick or White Spot

Found a good one on Ick treatment, http://www.malawimayhem.com/articles_health_01.shtml. It seems high-temperature and salt can be used to get rid of Ick. Try this tonight.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

NHL Season Cancelled

Today, the NHL season has been offically cancelled although it was dead 6 month ago. It is a dark day on NHL history. One cannot say which side is right and which side is wrong. Both have their own interests. There is no right and wrong in this world, isn't that true? Good or bad, it became history.
Personally, I don't like the union because the weapon it uses is refusing to work. Although it represents the interests of a group people, it does not consider human being as a whole. Say the TTC union has a strike. Yes, TTC is powerful, I agree. When it has a strike, lots of people cannot go to work. But consider people who are not in TTC union. Should the hospital workers stop treating TTC patients? Should the farm workers stop providing foods for TTC workers? The union strike has a very bad impact on the sciety. If you stop providing services to other people, why should they provide services to you? It ends up back to everyone doing everything for themself.
Human being live on believes. Belief makes a country win or lose. I believe in the free market theory that American believe. I believe in the principle so eloquently stated by Abraham Lincoln: "You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." (Reagan Speech).
Go back to hockey, I think that the parties suffer most are Toronto businesses and youn players.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

baby fish

We moved Pearl and Midnight into our 20 gallon aquarium last night. It was a pleasure watching them swim quietly and freely in the aquarium. This is a truly rewarding moment after the frustrating weekend. I had a good sleep last night not worrying the temperature anymore.
When we woke up this morning, we got an even bigger surprise... There are 3 baby fish in the tank!!! Pearl has given birth to 3 fry!!! The little fry are so cute. You can barely distinguish them from the gravel. You can not really see their bodies. It seems they only have head and tail. DANGER! Midnight is chasing the fry. I don't know whether Midnight is trying to show his love or want to eat the fry. Cathy and I moved the fry into our little quarantine tank. Surfing the web, I think I need a net breeder to put the fry back into my aquarium.
BTW, I took several picture of Pearl and Midnight last night. I'll see if I have time to post them tonight.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Updates on Little White and Black

Cathy gave little white a name Pearl and little black a name Midnight. Pearl and Midnight are doing okay now. We bought a 20 gallon aquarium for them on Saturday and had it setup already. However, according to some advices from internet. The new aquarium need to run for a couple of days before adding any fish. So Pearl and Midnight are still in the small quarantine tank. They were not very active in the small tank. We were a little bit worried about that. Fortunately, their appetites are still good. Hopefully, we can move them into the big tank ASAP. I'm eager to show you my new aquarium although it's not a fancy one. Cathy and Ling drew the background by hand. Stay tuned!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Little White and Little Black

We are pretty busy with our two little fish these days. They are Little White, a white molly and Little Black, a black molly. They are tropical fish. We are absolutely beginner on raising fish. Initially, I bought a betta as a birthday gift to Cathy just for fun. But now, we become more and more serious about fish.
Little White and Black got sick yesterday. We didn't know what to do. So Ling surfed the Internet and found some information. It's a disease called Ick. She gave them 3 hot water bath yesterday. It worked. They are getting better after that. We went to the store and bought Ick-guard. We are giving them treatments.
After consulting some fish experts in the store, we think that fish need more space to be happy. We plan to buy a bigger tank with a heater today. I'll post a picture of Little White and Little Black when they recover.
Here are a few useful fish links: